【iPhone神アプリ】Pokedex Pro Editionの評価・評判、口コミ
The most complete pokemon stats, including all up to date pokemon description also all X and Y new pokemon.
718 full detailed pokemon including:
- Tech table
- Type defenses
- Stats
- Pokedex descriptions
- Evolution charts with images
- Moves learnt by level up
- Pre-evolution moves
- Egg Moves
- Move Tutor moves
- Moves Learnt by HM
- Moves Learnt by TM
- Sprites
- Where find each pokemon
- Pokeathlon stats
- and many, many more features.
If you play pokemon, then you must have this app.
No internet connection required to use this app.
718 full detailed pokemon including:
- Tech table
- Type defenses
- Stats
- Pokedex descriptions
- Evolution charts with images
- Moves learnt by level up
- Pre-evolution moves
- Egg Moves
- Move Tutor moves
- Moves Learnt by HM
- Moves Learnt by TM
- Sprites
- Where find each pokemon
- Pokeathlon stats
- and many, many more features.
If you play pokemon, then you must have this app.
No internet connection required to use this app.
- Airline Seat Guide
- Disney's Magic Kingdom Tour Guide GPS+
- Airport Code
- Walt Disney World Tour PlansThe Complete Touring Guide
- The Art of War by Sun Tzu
- BBQ MasterUltimate Cooking Guide with Timer
- Days to Christmas
- Hot & Cold
- Airport Status
- Cruise CamsLive View
- WDW Magic Kingdom Tour Guide
- Live View Cruise Cams
- CXI Gaming
Pokedex Pro Editionのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。
レビュー募集中!!Pokedex Pro Editionを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!