【iPhone神アプリ】Days to Christmasの評価・評判、口コミ
Days To Christmas is the simple, easy-to-use app that gives you the instant gratification of knowing exactly how soon your favourite holiday will be here.
The days to information can be at your fingertips, any time you want to find out. Simply tap the icon and you'll immediately know how many days you have to create the holiday you really want this year, and in the years to come.
Get an instant snapshot of where you are in time:
- Find out how many days you have to shop for gifts.
- See how many days you have to plan a cozy Christmas party.
- Determine how many days you have to drop hints about what's on your wish list.
- Know when you can relax because you have lots of time, or get motivated now.
- Plan your crafting, decorating, and vacation accordingly.
Cheer up on those not-so-happy days:
- Let the workplace-safe, feel-good graphics bring a smile to your face anytime.
- Have something to look forward to.
Enjoy the heightened sense of anticipation, making your good time that much more fun.
Entertain your friends by sharing the excitement. Help others have a good time, too.
Amaze everyone with how on top of things you are!
Download this great ice-breaker and conversation piece for only a buck. After all, you'd pay a buck for a song, so why not own this helpful and amusing app today?
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Days to Christmasのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。
レビュー募集中!!Days to Christmasを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!