【iPhone神アプリ】A Love Calc: Ultimate Editionの評価・評判、口コミ
A Love Calc: Ultimate Edition is the cute love calculator with a host of features including:
- Find out the compatibility % of a couple or potential couple
- Read the report on the couple's compatibility
- Store your best and worst love matches
- Secret button allows you to get 100% with your crush or 1% with anybody you're not interested in!
- Post your results to your Facebook feed
- Email the result and report to your friends
Enter two names and A Love Calc will analyze the numerology of the letters held within the names to give you the pair's compatibility percentage as well as a report on the couple's compatibility.
After you get the result you can post it to your Facebook profile or email it to your friends!
- Find out the compatibility % of a couple or potential couple
- Read the report on the couple's compatibility
- Store your best and worst love matches
- Secret button allows you to get 100% with your crush or 1% with anybody you're not interested in!
- Post your results to your Facebook feed
- Email the result and report to your friends
Enter two names and A Love Calc will analyze the numerology of the letters held within the names to give you the pair's compatibility percentage as well as a report on the couple's compatibility.
After you get the result you can post it to your Facebook profile or email it to your friends!
- Swine Flu Scanner (Cure and Fingerprint Test Analyzer)
- Audio Obama
- Stock Picking Monkey USA
- Dance Drumr: The drum kit with hexagonal drums
- A Metal Detector Prank
- Glow Stick Pro
- Balance Scale Pro
- Big Button Boxfunny sounds, sound effects buttons, pro fx soundboard, fun games board, scary music, annoying fart noises, jokes, super cool dj effect, cat, dog & animal fx
- Big Button Box Free
- Glow Stick Free: Motion Controlled Glowstick
- A Love Test: Compatibility Calculator
- Shaved Labs Ltd
A Love Calc: Ultimate Editionのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。
レビュー募集中!!A Love Calc: Ultimate Editionを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!