【iPhone神アプリ】Balance Scale Proの評価・評判、口コミ
Balance Scale Pro lets you use your iPhone or iPod Touch to weigh small objects such as coins.
User reviews: "★★★★★ Works Great: Improved a lot over previous apps! Works like a charm" - US App Store
"★★★★★ Works very well: Works better than the other finger scale does" - US App Store
"★★★★★ Great Idea: Works well if you follow the instructions... got quite accurate results" - US App Store
Balance your device with your finger under the center bar, place the object to be weighed on the arrow and the read-out will display an estimate of the object's weight.
(1) Balance device on finger with finger aligned underneath the center bar
(2) Press Set/Reset to zero the scale
(3) Gently place object to be weighed on device with its center located on the arrow tip
(4) Once object is rested, press Fix/Unfix to fix result
Note / Tips:
• To obtain an accurate weight estimate Balance Scale Pro takes a small degree of skill and practice to use.
• Try practicing with small objects you know the weight of.
• For reference, here are the weights of common coins:
- US Quarter: 5.7 grams
- US Nickel: 5.0 grams
- 1 Euro: 7.5 grams
- 2 Euros: 8.5 grams
- UK 1 Pound: 9.5 grams
- UK 50p: 8.0 grams
- UK 10p: 6.5 grams
- Canadian Loonie: 7.0 grams
- Australian Dollar: 9.0 grams
User reviews: "★★★★★ Works Great: Improved a lot over previous apps! Works like a charm" - US App Store
"★★★★★ Works very well: Works better than the other finger scale does" - US App Store
"★★★★★ Great Idea: Works well if you follow the instructions... got quite accurate results" - US App Store
Balance your device with your finger under the center bar, place the object to be weighed on the arrow and the read-out will display an estimate of the object's weight.
(1) Balance device on finger with finger aligned underneath the center bar
(2) Press Set/Reset to zero the scale
(3) Gently place object to be weighed on device with its center located on the arrow tip
(4) Once object is rested, press Fix/Unfix to fix result
Note / Tips:
• To obtain an accurate weight estimate Balance Scale Pro takes a small degree of skill and practice to use.
• Try practicing with small objects you know the weight of.
• For reference, here are the weights of common coins:
- US Quarter: 5.7 grams
- US Nickel: 5.0 grams
- 1 Euro: 7.5 grams
- 2 Euros: 8.5 grams
- UK 1 Pound: 9.5 grams
- UK 50p: 8.0 grams
- UK 10p: 6.5 grams
- Canadian Loonie: 7.0 grams
- Australian Dollar: 9.0 grams
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Balance Scale Proのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。
レビュー募集中!!Balance Scale Proを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!