Bronx Baseball

Bronx Baseball

【iPhone神アプリ】Bronx Baseballの評価・評判、口コミ

Bronx Baseball is a tool that will allow you to get the latest up-to-date news about your favorite MLB Team the NY Yankees right to your iPhone. This application will provide you important news and updates that will help keep you current on everything that is going on with the New York Yankees. Bronx Baseball information is updated from a variety of news sites picked by real fans. You can be sure the information you are getting is always precise and current and from different sources. Features include alerts with summaries containing direct links to the original site for more detailed information, as well as support for the 3G iPhone’s accelerometer so you can rotate your iPhone and Bronx Baseball will rotate along with it. You can also Edit the order in which the feeds are in to set your favorite to the top! We will always be adding more news sources to make Bronx Baseball content rich and relevant. Feel free to email us with suggestions using the App itself with the feedback button to add or remove content that you think is relevant to you and other New York Yankees, Derek Jeter, Arod, Alex Rodriguez, Jorge Posada, Hideki Matsui fans!

other apps: iGossip, iGreen, iRap411, iNoticiero, i9erNews, iSharkNews, iSFBaseball, iAdviseMe, iCaramba, iBayArea, iShoot



Bronx Baseballのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

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