iCaramba is an application that lets you keep up to date will all the latest and juicy celebrity gossip, chismes and Video in Spanish. We take all the news from all of your favorite Spanish celebrity sites and many more and put them on your iPhone for you en Español! Sites included are: Aol, Hola, People, El El Brasero, Alfombra Rosa, Farandulista, Chisme Caliente, Pop Chismes y muchos mas! Most of these sites have video, which you can also watch on your iPhone! iGossip and iCaramba also takes full advantage of the iPhone's Accelerometer so you can read your gossip in portrait, landscape, upright or even upside down! We'll add more feeds as we go so make sure you keep us informed with more links!
other apps: iGossip, iGreen, iRap411, iNoticiero, i9erNews, iSharkNews, iSFBaseball, iAdviseMe, iCaramba, iBayArea, iShoot
In some cases the built in Safari does not open the feed. Please close and reopen the app and try again. This could also be due to 8+ Safari sessions already open.
other apps: iGossip, iGreen, iRap411, iNoticiero, i9erNews, iSharkNews, iSFBaseball, iAdviseMe, iCaramba, iBayArea, iShoot
In some cases the built in Safari does not open the feed. Please close and reopen the app and try again. This could also be due to 8+ Safari sessions already open.
- iAdviseMe
- i9erNews
- iGossip
- iGreen
- iSFBaseball
- iSharksNews
- iNoticiero
- iBayArea
- iRap411
- Bronx Baseball
- LucidOne Communications
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。