Audio Notes recorder
App was designed from scratch for really fast and easy recording, because people need to catch their ideas quickly. Audio Notes has a long history, it has been in App Store since i…
App was designed from scratch for really fast and easy recording, because people need to catch their ideas quickly. Audio Notes has a long history, it has been in App Store since i…
Units calc is great application, which has really different user interface then other converters. Application was developed for fast and simple conversion. You don’t have to diffic…
Expenses app is unique money tracking tool in App Store. It offers beautiful and easy to use user interface, powerful database core and other clever features. Wouldn’t be nice to …
---- Features ---- ➤ Universal iPhone/iPod/iPad app ➤ Creating visual tasks with attached audio, video or picture ➤ Each new created task is backed up into archive for later reuse …
You can find other apps too complicated, because they offer many buttons and currency rates. However, this app wants to give you all rates as quickly as possible. For this reason C…
TopsSongs is unique music app in the App Store. Wouldn't be great to know how often you play specific songs and what songs are your the most favorite? TopSongs can answer these qu…
IDOS do kapsy jedna z "must have" aplikací pro váš iPhone, iPad a iPod Touch. Umožňuje snadné vyhledávání v jízdních řádech vlaků, letadel a MHD více než 60 měst ČR. Již po tři rok…
Ujela ti tramvaj? Pospícháš na autobus, aby ti pak stejně ujel? Nevíš jak se dostat z párty? S aplikací IDOS do kapsy není problém odpovědět na jakýkoliv dotaz ohledně dopravy vlak…