There's a waterfall display of the audio spectrum, showing all of the PSK31 transmission. Tap on a signal, and PSK31 tunes into that transmission. Get your copy of PSK31 right no…
There's a waterfall display of the audio spectrum, showing all of the PSK31 transmission. Tap on a signal, and PSK31 tunes into that transmission. Get your copy of PSK31 right no…
Enter in the morse code speed in WPM. Or you can turn on Auto WPM mode, and Morse Pad will try to determine the sending speed. Note that it may take take a moment for the app to de…
A radio/scanner capable of tuning the 118-136 MHz aircraft band is required. Just set it next to the radio's speaker, tune in an ACARS frequency, and watch the decodes. Or, for eve…
Decoding of SSTV transmissions begins automatically as soon as the start of image audio signals are detected, and the image format is automatically selected. Manual control is also…
HF Weather Fax is perfect for mariners who want to be able to view the latest weather reports and forecasts. Received fax images can be manually or automatically saved, and viewe…
Whether you're programming a radio show or amateur podcast, adding spice to the commentary at a local sporting event, controlling sound effects for a theater production, or simply …
Radiation Map Tracker connects to our extensive network of constantly updating, real time, nuclear radiation detectors, all run by volunteers, not government agencies. This app let…
The stations are initially listed in order by frequency. You can tap a button to see which stations are on the air right now, as well as search for stations by name, frequency, tim…
Radio propagation conditions can also be estimated between any two points on the Earth. Graphs of these conditions can be generated for a given frequency or time, and MUF/LUF graph…
• Three oscillators, each of which can produce a sine, triangle, sawtooth, or square wave • The outputs of two of the oscillators can be used to modulate the main oscillator • Freq…