【iPhone神アプリ】The Word of the Day!の評価・評判、口コミ
Learn a new word everyday with The Word of the Day! Open the app daily and it will download a new word along with its definition. Is it a cool word? Use it in a sentence and impress your friends by sharing it on Facebook and Twitter.
If you are running iOS 7, double tap on the word to listen to it. (Device must not be in silent mode).
Every new word downloaded is automatically saved to your Word Collection. To view your saved words just drag the screen to the left.
Sync your word collection between devices using Dropbox.
If you would like the app to remind you daily to check for the word of the day tap the clock icon. It will then notify you starting the next day at the time you select.
The daily word is downloaded from Wiktionary.
Download it for free today!
If you are running iOS 7, double tap on the word to listen to it. (Device must not be in silent mode).
Every new word downloaded is automatically saved to your Word Collection. To view your saved words just drag the screen to the left.
Sync your word collection between devices using Dropbox.
If you would like the app to remind you daily to check for the word of the day tap the clock icon. It will then notify you starting the next day at the time you select.
The daily word is downloaded from Wiktionary.
Download it for free today!
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The Word of the Day!のレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。
レビュー募集中!!The Word of the Day!を使って分かったことを書いてみよう!