Governors in Your Pocket

Governors in Your Pocket

  • 0.0
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【iPhone神アプリ】Governors in Your Pocketの評価・評判、口コミ


Now you can have every single state governor in the USA in YOUR pocket. Governors in Your Pocket offers you a direct way to contact your state's top executive from your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Learn all about who leads and manages your state as well as every other state in the USA.

Scroll or search for the governor you want to contact and then call, email, or post feedback to their web forms. You can follow their social media use with easy links to their Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube pages. Visiting the state capitol or Washington DC? Tap on any address and get directions using interactive maps.

The application includes bookmarks you assign, a link to President Obama's mobile website, links to our Twitter feed and blog, lists of governors in their first terms and those who will not be running for reelection, information on where to register to vote in your state, user feedback, FAQ, and the ability to email us updates any governor.


Color photo, full name, title, state, party, next election, state and DC office addresses and telephone numbers, state office fax number, official website, name of top staffer, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube links, campaign news, incumbent and challenger websites, most recent opponent, and short biography.


We offer a version of this software for the United States Congress, the Obama Administration, and over a dozen states. Please search for Cohen Research Group in the App Store for details.



Governors in Your Pocketのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Governors in Your Pocketを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!