PixelMagsNation Replica

PixelMagsNation Replica

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【iPhone神アプリ】PixelMagsNation Replicaの評価・評判、口コミ

Today’s most widely read political weekly, The Nation is also America’s oldest weekly magazine--founded the summer the Civil War ended. Proudly progressive and independent of political parties and corporate interests, The Nation speaks to an engaged, concerned and influential audience as a champion of civil liberties, human rights, and economic justice.

Long serving as a kind of early warning system, The Nation published Martin Luther King Jr. long before he achieved national renown; we published Ralph Nader’s article about unsafe cars, giving rise to the contemporary consumer movement; we linked cigarettes and cancer in 1952, sounded the alarm on Vietnam in 1954, and warned of the evils of Joe McCarthy as early as 1951. In the 19th Century Henry James wrote for us anonymously.

More recently, Nation investigations revealed the extent of the secret US war in Pakistan, and exposed Pentagon payments to Taliban insurgents protecting American supply routes. The Nation reported on the pipeline between predatory loans and hi-speed Wall Street investments in 2002, six years before the economic meltdown. And long before the mainstream media acknowledged their role in hurrying America to a war and quagmire in Iraq, The Nation fearlessly questioned then-President Bush’s facts, his rationales, his wisdom and his motives.

The Nation breaks down the debate on critical issues of the day with lively editorials, in-depth investigative reporting and analysis, as well as award-winning film, books and arts coverage.

Publisher and Editor: Katrina vanden Heuvel.



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