Personal YES Girl

Personal YES Girl

【iPhone神アプリ】Personal YES Girlの評価・評判、口コミ

Copyright 2010 by Dash Technologies

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Guys, we all have a bad day once in a while. Don't stay mad anymore! Always be a great mood with the help from YES Girl! YES Girl is a bunch of pretty girls who say very complimentary phrases to you when you shake your phone! This app will cheer you right up! Just looking at something pretty makes us all feel better and now when YES Girl talks, you can hear and see what she says!

YES Girl has the following phrases:

Your biceps are huge!
Anything you say Mr. Incredible!
Did I tell you that you look handsome today?
You have such strong hands!
You are sooo smart!
You are the best!
You really know how to have a good time!
You are so confident!
God, you are just gorgeous!
I totally wish you were the President!
You have such nice lips!
Did you workout today?
Wow, you have really nice teeth!
I love staring at you!
You are wonderful!
I totally wish you were the President!
You are my Mr. America!
They should name a building after you!
You are my guardian angel!
You really know how to please a gal!
You should write a book!
Have a good day at work today honey!
You are a handsome man!
You just mean the world to me!
You rock!
How is my sugar daddy?
Can you teach me how to golf?

At the main menu, tap on the YES button and then all you have to do after that is shake your phone to be complimented! Your bad mood will go away in seconds after you laugh away your bad mood and fill your day with laughter and fun! Want another saying and another YES Girl? Just shake your phone!

All YES Girls are in a random order and so are their phrases so you will always get a different YES Girl for a phrase. Animated buttons and sounds make this a great fun app that will take your bad mood and put you in a YES Girl mood!



Personal YES Girlのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Personal YES Girlを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!