AT&T Navigator: GPS Maps, Navigation & Traffic

AT&T Navigator: GPS Maps, Navigation & Traffic

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【iPhone神アプリ】AT&T Navigator: GPS Maps, Navigation & Trafficの評価・評判、口コミ

Get real time traffic, maps, deals, offline maps, voice guided directions and more with AT&T Navigator.

Beat Traffic:
Use AT&T Navigator to help you outsmart traffic and help you get to where you’re headed with more than 100 million real-time traffic sources. Get traffic updates, GPS-enabled multi-route recommendations, one-touch traffic avoidance, downloadable maps for offline use and more.

Discover Local Deals:
Get local discounts for nearby restaurants, businesses, services and more with our Deals feature. Find coupons in your neighborhood or when you travel the US, and redeem straight from your device. (Participating merchants are responsible for all coupon redemptions thru this app.)

Contacts have been integrated into the main search bar. Simly type the contact name in the search bar and select the contact you wish to naviagte to.

Gas Finder:
Now you can compare gas prices, find the cheap gas options, and get directions with the press of a button.

Find New Favorite Places:
With more than 142 million local reviews and ratings from Yelp® and TripAdvisor®, AT&T Navigator will be your trusted guide to let you explore your city with detailed maps and recommendations.

Beat traffic, find cheap gas price options easily, get deals on restaurants and businesses near you, track and export your miles, share your travel details and discover local places all with AT&T Navigator.

Must have an AT&T mobile phone number and eligible data plan to subscribe. Phone’s internal memory space needed for downloadable maps feature.

New to AT&T Navigator? Try AT&T Navigator for free* for the first 30 days and enjoy a robust set of navigation features. Unless cancelled, at the end of the 30-day period your account will automatically be billed $9.99 per month. You may cancel at any time. See Subscription Cancellation & Changes for additional information.

Save over $40 with AT&T Navigator Annual Subscription for $69.99 /year. Free 30-day period is not available with the annual subscription offer.

A free*, limited features version of AT&T Navigator called Basic Maps is available after you download the AT&T Navigator app. *Data & messaging rates may apply for app download & usage.

You may cancel any time by going to or calling 1.800.331.0500.
To cancel your AT&T Navigator Annual Subscription and receive a refund, you must call 1.800.331.0500.

First 30 days free for new subscribers only, otherwise $9.99/mo. Cancel w/in 30 days or you will be billed $9.99/mo. Cancel anytime at or call 800.331.0500 (or 611 from your mobile phone).
Basic Maps option is also available w/ no monthly subscription charge.
Data & messaging rates may apply for app download & usage. Compatible phone w/elig. data plan req’d. Phone’s internal memory space is needed to use offline maps feature. App may use personal info, including location. Use governed by AT&T’s Privacy Policy found at AT&T is not responsible for any third party content and services including coupons. Participating merchants are solely responsible for the processing and redemption of coupons and related offers. Other charges & restr’s may apply. Visit for additional terms & conditions.

You took the time to tell us what you love about AT&T Navigator, and what you want changed. We listened and made some updates. We want to keep hearing what you love about the app and what we can do to make it even better for you.

Send your comments to, Subject: AT&T Navigator for iPhone.
AT&T Services, Inc. Web Site Application License Agreement.



AT&T Navigator: GPS Maps, Navigation & Trafficのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


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