Tourist Amsterdam

Tourist Amsterdam

  • 3.5
  • 価格
  • 開発元
  • カテゴリ

【iPhone神アプリ】Tourist Amsterdamの評価・評判、口コミ

The only tourist guide with offline maps and 170 tourist attractions each connected to a metro or tram stop. Do you visit Amsterdam or do you want to visit the most popular attractions of the Netherlands nearby Amsterdam? It is all provided in one App!

Tourist Amsterdam is the first and original Amsterdam App (since 2009) made exclusive for iPhone with the famous and very easy to understand circular tram/metro map. Proudly made in Amsterdam. Never get lost again. All tourist attractions are selected by locals.

This latest update features easy access to nearest Points of Interest, tram or metro stops with only one tap on the homescreen of the App. And even actual Railway departure times if you want to visit some highlights around Amsterdam. Including an offline Railway map of the Netherlands.

Offline Features (GPS)
- Clickable GPS Maps
- 170 hotspots (points of interest)
- Spot the nearest Points of interest with 1 tap only
- Most visited hotspots outside Amsterdam (by train)
- Public Transport Maps (tram, metro, train)
- Tourist Map with all highlights
- Tram/metro stops connected to all Tourist Attractions
- Nearest Tram or Metro stop
- Nearest Railway station (all dutch stations available)
- Actual Railway departures (works nearby all stations in the Netherlands)

Online Features (WiFi, 3G)
- In App webviews
- In App mapviews

The easy way to explore Amsterdam:
Enjoy Amsterdam and travel comfortably with this guide in your pocket. Detailed and clickable customs maps with all tram/metro lines, stops and connected hotspots (points of interest).

For international visitors who wants to explore the area around Amsterdam, we included some nice Tourist Highlights which are easy to access by the Dutch Railway system. Therefore we provided an actual Railway departure feature on the homepage. Tap on the railway and alle next departing trains are shown. So you don't need an addition App for that. For this feature WiFi or network connection is needed. Try to find any free WiFi hotspot if you want to avoid data roaming.

No data roaming for the basics, GPS is all you need:
All maps in this App are available for offline use. For additional information like websites or actual Railway departures you need a WiFi or a network connection which might need data roaming.



Tourist Amsterdamのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

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