【iPhone神アプリ】Heartbeat Monitorの評価・評判、口コミ
Heart Monitor is a utility that monitors your pulse using the iPhone's built in microphone or, if you use the iPod Touch 2g, you can use the headphone's microphone.
This app shows good results if used as directed.
One of the great extra features allows you to display "I love you!" message in the graph (after you tap on the screen) pretending that it is the heartbeat reading. - A great way to express your feelings! You can also set so it doesn't happen again, (if somebody noticed the tap).
The heart rate or pulse is taken from an average of five heart beats for a quick reading.
Just place the iPhone microphone against your chest, neck or the Ante Cubital Space (interior side of the elbow). The microphone has to be applied against the bare skin (no cloth, even t-shirt), and the iPhone has to be taken out from the case. The microphone has to be in physical contact with the skin.
You will see the graph representing your heartbeat.
The iPhone's headphone with microphone can be used as well. You can apply the microphone against your chest, neck or the Ante Cubital Space (interior side of the elbow).
The settings include microphone sensitivity, graph speed, and an optional setting which allows you to display messages such as "I Love You" in the graph, a great way to express your feelings or increased rhythm.
The help includes detailed directions with illustrations.
This app shows good results if used as directed.
One of the great extra features allows you to display "I love you!" message in the graph (after you tap on the screen) pretending that it is the heartbeat reading. - A great way to express your feelings! You can also set so it doesn't happen again, (if somebody noticed the tap).
The heart rate or pulse is taken from an average of five heart beats for a quick reading.
Just place the iPhone microphone against your chest, neck or the Ante Cubital Space (interior side of the elbow). The microphone has to be applied against the bare skin (no cloth, even t-shirt), and the iPhone has to be taken out from the case. The microphone has to be in physical contact with the skin.
You will see the graph representing your heartbeat.
The iPhone's headphone with microphone can be used as well. You can apply the microphone against your chest, neck or the Ante Cubital Space (interior side of the elbow).
The settings include microphone sensitivity, graph speed, and an optional setting which allows you to display messages such as "I Love You" in the graph, a great way to express your feelings or increased rhythm.
The help includes detailed directions with illustrations.
Heartbeat Monitorのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。
レビュー募集中!!Heartbeat Monitorを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!