【iPhone神アプリ】Virtual Ultrasoundの評価・評判、口コミ
Virtual Ultrasound will help you either trick your friends or scare the crap out of your boyfriends or husband. They will think you are pregnant because of the realistic features we give your baby in Virtual Ultrasound. Shock everyone by just pulling out your iPhone or iPod Touch and start up Virtual Ultrasound. The words “I’m pregnant” will never sound the same!
Virtual Ultrasound applies sound waves to generate the fetus image through your stomach and your clothes. However, it takes practice to move the iPhone for scanning. Slowly move the iPhone back and forth along your stomach line while you watch the images go move along as you move the iPhone. Use Virtual Ultrasound while you are pregnant or while you just want to trick someone. Once you master using Virtual Ultrasound you can trick anyone into believing your pregnant
Virtual Ultrasound works with both generations of the iPhone, as well as the iPod Touch.
For comparison only, if you liked iRay x-ray, Bikini xxx-ray, Heat x-ray, iultrasound and Pregnancy tracker, Contraction Tracker you will enjoy the features of Virtual Ultrasound.
Any reference to any third-party products, services, names, or other information, by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, developer, supplier or otherwise, is for convenience or comparison only, and does not constitute nor imply endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship thereof. All characters, names, titles, likeness, and other content used or depicted in this product (even those based on real products or real people, either living or dead) are entirely fictional. Any similarity to actual products, or persons either living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any coincidental likeness and or voices are not real. This product is for entertainment purposes only and is not authorized or endorsed. All trademarks, service marks, product, service, or other names mentioned herein, are the property of their respective owners, and no claim is made to any such mark, product, service or other name.
Virtual Ultrasound applies sound waves to generate the fetus image through your stomach and your clothes. However, it takes practice to move the iPhone for scanning. Slowly move the iPhone back and forth along your stomach line while you watch the images go move along as you move the iPhone. Use Virtual Ultrasound while you are pregnant or while you just want to trick someone. Once you master using Virtual Ultrasound you can trick anyone into believing your pregnant
Virtual Ultrasound works with both generations of the iPhone, as well as the iPod Touch.
For comparison only, if you liked iRay x-ray, Bikini xxx-ray, Heat x-ray, iultrasound and Pregnancy tracker, Contraction Tracker you will enjoy the features of Virtual Ultrasound.
Any reference to any third-party products, services, names, or other information, by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, developer, supplier or otherwise, is for convenience or comparison only, and does not constitute nor imply endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship thereof. All characters, names, titles, likeness, and other content used or depicted in this product (even those based on real products or real people, either living or dead) are entirely fictional. Any similarity to actual products, or persons either living or dead, is purely coincidental. Any coincidental likeness and or voices are not real. This product is for entertainment purposes only and is not authorized or endorsed. All trademarks, service marks, product, service, or other names mentioned herein, are the property of their respective owners, and no claim is made to any such mark, product, service or other name.
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Virtual Ultrasoundのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。
レビュー募集中!!Virtual Ultrasoundを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!