【iPhone神アプリ】Bible YLT version (Young's Literal Translation)の評価・評判、口コミ
This program contains Young's Literal Translation Bible.
The formatting of the text layout can make a huge difference on the way a verse is read, so finding the easiest and most context-appropriate display style is very important. One of the best things about this Bible is the formatting of the text into both paragraph and poetic layouts. Poetic sections, like Psalms or The Song of Solomon, are displayed as breaking lines of poetic verse, whereas sections, like Paul's letters, are displayed in a paragraph format more consistent with the letter/exhortation style of the epistle. This makes reading bible verse-by-verse easier than ever.
LoudReader, an advanced iPhone reader application, featuring a simple and non-intrusive pop-up control panel through a tap, provides the following important customer benefits:
* True Full screen reading mode to give the best utilization of your precious screen.
* Easy font size change with an intuitive pinch or a +/- button to suit your preference.
* Easy scrolling navigation between chapters to quickly go to next/previous chapter or any other chapters in a book.
* Quick scrolling navigation to provide an overview of the entire bible and to quickly go to any book in the bible.
* Enhanced quick reference feature. Web browser style backward and forward functions maintain user's browser history. One tap on the green arrow (-> or <-) brings user back to the original book location.
In addition, LoudReader provides the following advanced features:
* Portrait and landscape reading mode. Text automatically reflows.
* Displays rich formatted HTML book (NOT plain text).
* Remembers the last reading location (exact book, chapter and scroll position).
The formatting of the text layout can make a huge difference on the way a verse is read, so finding the easiest and most context-appropriate display style is very important. One of the best things about this Bible is the formatting of the text into both paragraph and poetic layouts. Poetic sections, like Psalms or The Song of Solomon, are displayed as breaking lines of poetic verse, whereas sections, like Paul's letters, are displayed in a paragraph format more consistent with the letter/exhortation style of the epistle. This makes reading bible verse-by-verse easier than ever.
LoudReader, an advanced iPhone reader application, featuring a simple and non-intrusive pop-up control panel through a tap, provides the following important customer benefits:
* True Full screen reading mode to give the best utilization of your precious screen.
* Easy font size change with an intuitive pinch or a +/- button to suit your preference.
* Easy scrolling navigation between chapters to quickly go to next/previous chapter or any other chapters in a book.
* Quick scrolling navigation to provide an overview of the entire bible and to quickly go to any book in the bible.
* Enhanced quick reference feature. Web browser style backward and forward functions maintain user's browser history. One tap on the green arrow (-> or <-) brings user back to the original book location.
In addition, LoudReader provides the following advanced features:
* Portrait and landscape reading mode. Text automatically reflows.
* Displays rich formatted HTML book (NOT plain text).
* Remembers the last reading location (exact book, chapter and scroll position).
- 圣经 和合本 简体 Chinese Union bible (simplified chinese ) shengjing heheben
- 聖經 和合本 繁體 Chinese union bible (traditional Chinese) shengjing
- Holy Bible ASV (America Standard Version)
- Holy Bible KJV (King James Version)
- 格林童話全集 (繁体版) 格林 童话 故事 Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
- Little Women (by Louisa May Alcott)
- The Count of Monte Cristo (by Alexandre Dumas)
- The Return of Sherlock Holmes (Volume III in Complete Holmes Collection)
- Memoires of Sherlock Holmes (Volume II in Complete Holmes Collection)
- Uncle Tom's Cabin (Life Among the Lowly) (by Harriet Beecher Stowe)
- The Scarlet Letter (a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne)
- LoudReader Inc
Bible YLT version (Young's Literal Translation)のレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。
レビュー募集中!!Bible YLT version (Young's Literal Translation)を使って分かったことを書いてみよう!