【iPhone神アプリ】San Francisco (Bay Area) Map Offlineの評価・評判、口コミ
Updated : All in One (iPad, iPhone4, iPhone3GS/3G, iTouch, iOS 4 compatible, Searching (street,restaurant,hotel,school,etc), Bookmarking, Parking, Search Filtering, Location tracking using Wifi, and much much more...)
San Francisco Map Offline enable you to use maps offline without internet connection. This includes maps street names detail. This will give peace of mind when traveling aboard knowing you will not be charged with roaming fee.
A lot of new features
- All in one search feature (street, restaurant, hotels, schools, etc)
- Bookmarking
- Parking drop and parking retrieval
- Real time GPS tracking capability
- Much more better GPS detection capability even for place with weak GPS signal
- Smooth zooming in and out just like Google Maps
- Easy to drag and move the map around
- Remember last parking location and exit position
This maps should not be used for mission critical purpose.
San Francisco Map Offline use OpenStreetMap maps and will be keep improving overtime by OpenStreetMap users around the world.
Thank you also for aslakr for using picture taken by her/him under CC-SA license
San Francisco Map Offline enable you to use maps offline without internet connection. This includes maps street names detail. This will give peace of mind when traveling aboard knowing you will not be charged with roaming fee.
A lot of new features
- All in one search feature (street, restaurant, hotels, schools, etc)
- Bookmarking
- Parking drop and parking retrieval
- Real time GPS tracking capability
- Much more better GPS detection capability even for place with weak GPS signal
- Smooth zooming in and out just like Google Maps
- Easy to drag and move the map around
- Remember last parking location and exit position
This maps should not be used for mission critical purpose.
San Francisco Map Offline use OpenStreetMap maps and will be keep improving overtime by OpenStreetMap users around the world.
Thank you also for aslakr for using picture taken by her/him under CC-SA license
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- FidesReef
San Francisco (Bay Area) Map Offlineのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。
レビュー募集中!!San Francisco (Bay Area) Map Offlineを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!