Where's my tree stand?

Where's my tree stand?

【iPhone神アプリ】Where's my tree stand?の評価・評判、口コミ

Where's My Trees Stand is the perfect app for all hunters and outdoorsmen.

With Where's My Tree Stand, you can easily use your GPS-enabled iPhone's built-in maps application to navigate to the location of your Treestand or favorite hunting spot. Where's My Tree Stand will allow you to keep a list of all of your Tree Stands! Where's My Tree Stand uses the iPhone GPS functionality to obtain your current location, and then saves that location to a database (so you can later use the built in maps application to navigate to your Tree Stand).

Easy To Use:
1) While at your Tree Stand or hunting spot, launch Where's My Tree Stand.
2) When Where's My Tree Stand loads, select Yes to allow the application to retrieve your current GPS location. Make sure that you have GPS lock, not just general location based on estimated cellular tower locations.
3) Select Here's My Tree Stand to save the current location of your Tree Stand.
4) When you're trying to find your Tree Stand later on, just launch Where's My Tree Stand once again, and select Where's My Tree Stand to launch the built in maps application to navigate to your Tree Stand.

Important: Where's My Tree Stand requires the new iPhone 3g using its built-in GPS chip (very accurate). If you try to use this app with non-GPS enabled devices, the accuracy will be reduced to such a large area that you still might not be able to find your Tree Stand.

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Where's my tree stand?のレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Where's my tree stand?を使って分かったことを書いてみよう!