Italy Travel Guide

Italy Travel Guide

【iPhone神アプリ】Italy Travel Guideの評価・評判、口コミ

Offline Italy's travel guide with super fast loading page. No internet connection needed.

It provides travel guide such as: General info, Regions, Cities, Getting there, Sights, Transport, Shopping, Eat, Drink, Place to stay, Stay safe, Contact, etc.

Italy regions detail travel guide also provided. The counter inside bracket identify numbers of sections inside the category.
- Bologna (13)
- Florence (17)
- Genoa (14)
- Milan (13)
- Naples (13)
- Pisa (11)

- Rome (18)
District Level info for Rome
-- (Campo Marzio-Parioli-Salario(6), Colosseo(6), Rome/Modern Center(7), Rome/Old Rome(9), Rome/South(6), Trastevere(9), Vatican(13))

- Turin (13)
- Venice (18)
District Level info for Venice
-- (Mestre(9), Venice Lido(10), Mestre(9))

- Calabria (11)
- Capri (11)
- Cinque Terre (11)
- Elba (7)
- Ischia (16)
- Rimini (10)
- Vatican City (13)

These guides will be a perfect guides when you are travelto Italy.

Travel is powered by WikiTravel destination guide and edited by travelers worldwide.



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