【iPhone神アプリ】aGile Dashboardの評価・評判、口コミ
aGile Dashboard is a vehicle digital dashboard, introducing many amazing features. It's not just visualizing your current speed, heading or acceleration but also keeps an eye on following the legal speed limits, the driving style and reminds you to stop and have a rest if you driving too long.
Detailed features list include:
-Speed display:
The speed display of aGile Dashboard is "live" - it changes the font size and color depending on your acceleration, making the reading more expressive. Also, it shows average trip speed (tap to display it in full size) and the speed log chart.
- Radar emulator:
The Radar of course cannot display cars moving in front of you, however it has a practical use beside just looking cool. Your speed affects the speed of the "dots" moving on radar, making it's feel more natural. The dot travels screen height approximately at the same time as your car goes about 200 meters. Note you can switch the Radar off by setting it's opacity to "0" in Preferences.
- HUD (Head-Up Display) mode:
Tapping the "HUD" icon mirrors all the text and removes small display details, so if you position the iPhone horizontally under your car's windscreen you can see perfectly readable half-transparent reflection of the picture displayed. We love this mode! We found it much more convenient compared to traditional car dashboards (especially on the roads of Western Europe, which are full of speed cameras). And last but not the least - it just looks cool.
Note: this mode works pretty well at night time and twilight, but on direct sunlight the screen brightness can be insufficient.
- Photo camera: you can quickly take a photo of what's going on the road. Photo will be automatically saved into the Photos Album. The speedometer image, map and a some of other useful information will be placed over your photo.
- iPod playlist control. You can switch next/previous/pause/play current music item, set your player to Shuffle and Repeat mode and select current iPod playlist;
-Driving style advisor:
Every 5 minutes aGile Dashboard checks the collected speed data and if you accelerating or braking too hard and too often reminds you about the safety. Of course, sensitivity of the advisor can be adjusted in Preferences, or it can be completely switched off.
-Satellite location info:
Information about your current location, altitude, speed, course and satellite measurement precision.
-Speed limit warnings:
aGile Dashboard can keep track on 4 speed limits, giving a warning each time you crossing it. Normally, it's legal speed limits within cities, local roads and high-speed motorways. "Never exceed speed" is the speed you should not exceed under any conditions. For example, it can be a technical limit of your vehicle or the point where government can arrest your driving license.
-Driving timer:
Displays current system time set on your iPhone and a time of your trip.
In some countries it's illegal to drive longer then particular period of time without having a break. aGile Dashboard can watch this period and remind you that it's necessary to stop and have some rest.
Tapping the "Clock" icon resets the timer, average speed and driving style adviser timeout.
Digital compass, showing your moving curse related to the true (not magnetic) North.
-Speed units :
The speed can be displayed in kilometers or miles per hour, sea knots and meters per second.
-Acceleration meter:
Displays current vehicle acceleration.
Note: program uses iPhone built-in accelerometer, what means the precision is affected by car vibration.
The precision is affected by the satellite signal quality. If unsure, use the program only for reference, don't rely on it for 100%.
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions about additional functionality! THE BEST AND FASTEST WAY TO CONTACT US IS SENDING YOUR REQUESTS AND BUG REPORTS to support@atoll-ordenadores.com.
Detailed features list include:
-Speed display:
The speed display of aGile Dashboard is "live" - it changes the font size and color depending on your acceleration, making the reading more expressive. Also, it shows average trip speed (tap to display it in full size) and the speed log chart.
- Radar emulator:
The Radar of course cannot display cars moving in front of you, however it has a practical use beside just looking cool. Your speed affects the speed of the "dots" moving on radar, making it's feel more natural. The dot travels screen height approximately at the same time as your car goes about 200 meters. Note you can switch the Radar off by setting it's opacity to "0" in Preferences.
- HUD (Head-Up Display) mode:
Tapping the "HUD" icon mirrors all the text and removes small display details, so if you position the iPhone horizontally under your car's windscreen you can see perfectly readable half-transparent reflection of the picture displayed. We love this mode! We found it much more convenient compared to traditional car dashboards (especially on the roads of Western Europe, which are full of speed cameras). And last but not the least - it just looks cool.
Note: this mode works pretty well at night time and twilight, but on direct sunlight the screen brightness can be insufficient.
- Photo camera: you can quickly take a photo of what's going on the road. Photo will be automatically saved into the Photos Album. The speedometer image, map and a some of other useful information will be placed over your photo.
- iPod playlist control. You can switch next/previous/pause/play current music item, set your player to Shuffle and Repeat mode and select current iPod playlist;
-Driving style advisor:
Every 5 minutes aGile Dashboard checks the collected speed data and if you accelerating or braking too hard and too often reminds you about the safety. Of course, sensitivity of the advisor can be adjusted in Preferences, or it can be completely switched off.
-Satellite location info:
Information about your current location, altitude, speed, course and satellite measurement precision.
-Speed limit warnings:
aGile Dashboard can keep track on 4 speed limits, giving a warning each time you crossing it. Normally, it's legal speed limits within cities, local roads and high-speed motorways. "Never exceed speed" is the speed you should not exceed under any conditions. For example, it can be a technical limit of your vehicle or the point where government can arrest your driving license.
-Driving timer:
Displays current system time set on your iPhone and a time of your trip.
In some countries it's illegal to drive longer then particular period of time without having a break. aGile Dashboard can watch this period and remind you that it's necessary to stop and have some rest.
Tapping the "Clock" icon resets the timer, average speed and driving style adviser timeout.
Digital compass, showing your moving curse related to the true (not magnetic) North.
-Speed units :
The speed can be displayed in kilometers or miles per hour, sea knots and meters per second.
-Acceleration meter:
Displays current vehicle acceleration.
Note: program uses iPhone built-in accelerometer, what means the precision is affected by car vibration.
The precision is affected by the satellite signal quality. If unsure, use the program only for reference, don't rely on it for 100%.
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions about additional functionality! THE BEST AND FASTEST WAY TO CONTACT US IS SENDING YOUR REQUESTS AND BUG REPORTS to support@atoll-ordenadores.com.
- DeLoraen Time Circuit
- aSmart HUD
- aSmart HUD +SpeedCams
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- aSpeedCam ScannerAir
- aSmart HUD 3D +SpeedCams
- aSmartHUD NAVI
- Car Parental Control
- aDrive Photo
- Atoll Ordenadores
aGile Dashboardのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。

Absolutely amazing stuff!!!
- 5.0
- Hot Finnish Guy 2015年06月18日
Guys, it is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in my car :) The H.U.D. mode gives stunning visual effect at night time. Good navigation and very convenient visualization, especially with H.U.D. Definitely I'm lovin in this mode :)))