Diccionario General de la Lengua Española VOX

Diccionario General de la Lengua Española VOX

【iPhone神アプリ】Diccionario General de la Lengua Española VOXの評価・評判、口コミ

The comprehensive dictionary of the modern Spanish language , encompassing the vocabulary and idioms used both in Latin American countries and Peninsular Spanish.
Ideal for everyday, travel and leisure use.

• Dictionary database contains over 52,000 entries with a large number of usage examples in context, idioms and fixed phrases, as well as abbreviations and acronyms.
• Spanish sound module contains over 20,000 entries by native speakers.

Search and Input features:

• The full text search feature helps you find precise word definitions by returning a number of usage examples from a list of entries containing your query, regardless of word form.
• PenReader multilingual handwriting recognition support.
• Easy copy-and-paste functions copy words to the clipboard for definition.
• Contextual menu (View, Morphology Module, Pronounce).
• Improved browsing capabilities through word list and Search History.
• List of similar words in case of misspelling.
• Morphology module helps to find the word definitions in any grammatical form.
• Wildcard Search if you are unsure of the exact word spelling. Use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters.

Learning features:

• Search for anagrams.
• Audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers.
• Flash Card Quiz enables you to add new words to flash cards and test your knowledge as many times as you wish.
• Handy Converter support.

Interface features:

• New! Native iOS 8 support.
• Enhanced customization options allow you to modify animated menus and choose background colors.
• Enlarge or reduce font size for your comfort.
• Search History can be browsed through or deleted in full.
• Hyperlinks between articles.
• Landscape-mode support.
• Fully iPad optimized interface.
• No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary once and use it on your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch without any additional expense.

About VOX

VOX imprint has a deep know how in Spanish language lexicography, but also in bilingual dictionaries to other languages.
Our range of Spanish dictionaries covers the specific needs of users from primary school through secondary and higher education, without forgetting the general dictionary buying public.
We make lexicographical research (new words and senses, use of Spanish language in Latin America) to help us create panhispanic dictionaries.



Diccionario General de la Lengua Española VOXのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Diccionario General de la Lengua Española VOXを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!