【iPhone神アプリ】dBMeter Proの評価・評判、口コミ
This application measures ambient noise in decibel using the built in microphone of the iPhone 4S, and 5 series. Also works on iPod Touch 5. It features a reference view showing typical noise producers in relation to the currently measured noise. It can record up to 12 hours of samples, display them graphically and send them via eMail for further analysis.
Even though the dBMeter Pro Software has been calibrated using professional grade equipment, do no use dBMeter Pro to carry out professional measurements. The author can not be held liable for any damage which might arise by using dBMeter Pro.
Even though the dBMeter Pro Software has been calibrated using professional grade equipment, do no use dBMeter Pro to carry out professional measurements. The author can not be held liable for any damage which might arise by using dBMeter Pro.
dBMeter Proのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。
レビュー募集中!!dBMeter Proを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!