11C Scientific RPN Calculator

11C Scientific RPN Calculator

【iPhone神アプリ】11C Scientific RPN Calculatorの評価・評判、口コミ

The successful 11C Scientific RPN calculator, with all the features of the real one.
Requires iOS 8.0 or above only.

Over 120 built-in functions including :
- Hyperbolic and Inverse hyperbolic Trig functions.
- Probability permutations and combinations.
- Factorial, absolute, integer & fractional.
- Index register for indirect operations.
- User mode to run program labels.
- Random number generator.
- % change, % of total
- Cumulative statistical analysis & Linear regression
- Hour minute second conversion.
- Polar, rectangular conversion.
- etc....

A must have Classic !!!; with the following added features for the iPhone/ iPod Touch :
- Full retina display resolution.
- Portrait and Landscape layouts.
- Touch "OPT" key to show the options menu:
* General Settings.
* Memory registers Content View.
* Program Editor with command names.
* Program Tracking with Undo.
* ∑ Data Editor with Save & Load data files.
* ∑ Forecasting with 6 regression models.
* Complex Math operations and functions.
* Angles conversions.
* Units conversions.
* World Currency Exchange conversion.
* Date & Time math operations.
* Normal & Student't probability distributions.
* TVM calculations.
* Bonds Price & Yield calculations.
* Black-Choles Options valuation model.
* Business Margins and Break-Even calculations
* Cash Flows Editor and calculations.
* Depreciations calculations.
* Tip calculations.
- Extensive HELP system for all the functions and features.
- Touch the Display to Copy and Paste.
- Free support & updates.



11C Scientific RPN Calculatorのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!11C Scientific RPN Calculatorを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!