【iPhone神アプリ】Art Enviの評価・評判、口コミ
From classics like the Mona Lisa and Botticelli's Venus, to Rembrandt's, Renoir's, van Gogh's and Cézanne's, Art Envi displays Web-based paintings the way you would expect on the iPhone: full screen, with multi-touch controls, in automated slide shows, Ken Burns effect moving pictures and scrolling image arrays. You can also add music to make your artistic journey more beautiful.
Want more art? You can add even more of our in-depth art exhibits directly from the app or from the App Store, including early, Renaissance, Baroque, Impressionist and Modern art as well as various artists. Or check out Art Authority. Art Authority includes more artists and works, indexing by period, ability to save images, access to in-depth information about each artist, and many other added features.
Please also check out our other Envi apps, all based on the acclaimed iEnvision Web-image browser. Classic and modern art and architecture, hot sports cars, cool haircuts, outer space from planet Earth to the furthest reaches of the Hubble, the great outdoors, and lots of just plain fun. There's an Envi app for that!
- News Envi
- Art Envi Deluxe
- Space Envi Deluxe
- Hiroshige Envi
- myCard
- Lambo Envi
- Porsche Envi
- Mustang Envi
- Camaro Envi
- iCertify
- Architect Envi
- Open Door Networks, Inc.
Art Enviのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 神アプリ認定!
- うーん…。

The world's art in your pocket!
- 5.0
- Artmansimon 2015年06月18日
As an artist and art teacher I couldn't beleive it when I discovered Art Envi! It is an ideal tool for me, so often I want to refer a student to a specific artist's work and this usually involves remembering to bring in a book from home the next day or hunt around the internet for images. With this app it is all just there, the range of artists is very comprehensive and for all the ones I have viewed the most important works are represented. I do sometimes wish the slideshows weren't automated so it didn't require pausing the image to view it for longer- maybe a manual or timed option would be good. This app is ideal for those wanting to get a representative taste of a specific artist's work, now all I need is a cable to allow me to plug the iPhone straight into a data projector to show the whole class...

Does as it promises
- 4.0
- JimJamz21 2015年06月18日
Great app - excellent artist index. Would love if art was also indexed by genre and if you could somehow call up a piece-specific description in app rather than having to link to web site.