E6B Aviation Calculator

E6B Aviation Calculator

【iPhone神アプリ】E6B Aviation Calculatorの評価・評判、口コミ

Congratulations, you have found one of the finest E6B aviation flight calculators available for the Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.

myE6B makes it easy for the student pilot and seasoned pilots alike solve the most common planning and navigating problems related to flying.

Offering more functions than any other E6B on the market, myE6B includes 75+ aviation related calculations, unit conversions, weather reports, and advanced fuel planning.

In addition to a comprehensive set of flight planning calculations, myE6B includes convenient access to worldwide METAR, TAF, AIR/SIGMET and PIREP reports, and a handy search utility for finding unknown ICAO weather station codes.

myE6B is built and maintained by pilots for pilots and includes the real calculations, not rule of thumb estimates like other E6Bs.

Try myE6B today, you will not be disappointed, as it is tried, tested, and proven by thousands of professional pilots across the globe every day.

Visit our website for more details: http://myE6B.com



E6B Aviation Calculatorのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


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